Okay, so as we all know Weight Watchers, or any weight loss program for that matter, is a journey. It is a lifestyle change as we have heard a million times. I don't think I truly grasped that until recently. I have struggled with my weight on and off all my life. I have lost and gained so many times, it's not even funny. I have tried this diet and that hoping to find the magic bullet, but of course nothing seemed to work. Then one day out of the blue, I realized I
had found the magic bullet, well mine anyway. Was it simply the Weight Watchers program? Well no, not exactly, but that was part of it. It really came down to making up my mind to change. I wish there really was some pill that I could pop that would make me lose everything I need to overnight, but since there isn't, I guess this will do! And you know what? Half the fun of getting to your goal
is the journey! When you try on that skirt or top that hasn't fit in ages...what a feeling!!! There really isn't one like it! And, yes, I am biased to Weight Watchers, but when you get recognized in the meeting for some goal you have achieved, that is also such a wonderful feeling.
And while those are
definitely great, I have to say my true inspiration lies in the people that are helping me get there. I want to tell you about five people that are my true inspiration, those that encourage me and cheer me on. It's hard really to just choose five people, because I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends, but these five are the heart of my weight loss. Yes, I am doing this for
ME and no one else, but I don't know what I would do without these very special ladies God has put in my life. Here we go!
Oh my goodness, what would I do without this lady? She is such an inspiration, I cannot even begin to tell you how much! She is full of energy, a positive attitude, and makes the meetings loads of fun. Plus every week we get a colorful (I love color!!!) email that has tips, recipes, etc. I remember when I was down about my weight loss she made a statement I will never forget! She said, "You may not believe in yourself right now, so I am going to believe for you!" That meant the world to me! I needed her to believe in me until I could believe in myself and I know she really did! Now, even if I have a bad week, I know I'm not going to quit! This is who I am now and I am not looking back! Julie is one of the main reasons I feel this way today! Thanks so much Julie!!!

This lady can do anything she sets her mind to! When she wants to change something, she does it! She is full of inspiration! The reason I call her one of my biggest cheerleaders is because she truly is! She is constantly leaving encouraging messages on my Facebook page or simply just saying, "Way to go!". I love her dearly and I am thankful she is in my life. I know she is behind me 200% and that means the world to me and then some!

Jackie is one of those people I know God placed in my life for a reason. I don't know if I have ever met anyone with more faith or a more positive attitude. She has a gift from God and that is speaking words of
encouragement. You haven't heard someone pray until you have heard Jackie pray. Her prayers are just so sincere and heartfelt. She is also doing Weight Watchers and has lost around 40 lbs! She looks great, inside and out, and I honestly don't know what I would do without her in my life!

This girl is the other half of me, I think we were separated at birth...yep, I'm sure of it. She has my heart! I don't know where I would be without her for sure! She knows every detail of my life and loves me despite of it! I can laugh and cry with this girl...all at the same time. She is also on Weight Watchers and doing excellent!!! She has lost around 30 lbs. and I am so proud I could bust! She is one of the main reasons I joined Weight Watchers again! I love her, I love her, I love her!!!
And last but certainly not least (you know they say you save the best for last!)...

Words cannot begin to describe how much she means to me! I love my mom more than I can even say. She has always been my biggest supporter. She also knows every detail of my life and has seen my through highs and lows, good times and bad. My mom holds my hand through everything I do. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her. I'm not perfect, but I think I owe pretty much all my good traits to her. My mom is also a Weight Watchers member, and although she did have a little bit to lose (and I mean just a little bit) she joined Weight Watchers. Yes, I know she joined to drop a few pounds, but more than anything, she joined to support me. That's just the kind of mom she is! I love her more than words could ever say!
So, I know this was a very long post and I am sorry for that, but I think these ladies deserve some recognition! I want them to all know just how much they mean to me. And when I finally get to my goal weight, I know I will have them standing beside me cheering their heads off!