Okay, so about a week ago my computer said, "I've had enough!
Sayonara! Adios! Au
Auf Wiedersehen!
Arrivederci! Bye-bye!"...I think you get the picture. It gave up the ghost and I was not a bit too upset to see it go. We've had a good run, but lately it's been
sooo cantankerous!!! It froze up all the time, did weird unexplainable things, and the cord had a short so that you had to hold your tongue a certain way, make sure your ankle was at a 36 degree angle (I'm not even sure if that's physically possible, it just sounded good!), and sing
Mary Had a Little Lamb to get it to work. In other words, it was nearly impossible. So anyway, I talked the old man into getting me a new one and we sat out on the journey to find the computer of my dreams. I knew I wanted a Dell, or I was pretty sure anyway. It seems I always have to have my computer in at least a couple of times for repairs (sigh...) and Dell has a good
warranty. One thing I did know for certain was under no circumstances did I want a laptop from my local super electronics store...we'll call it "
Shmest Shmy" for anonymity sake. I have dealt with them for years now and am tired of them. I have had so much trouble with them, including them losing my laptop for about two months, that I decided never again! Well, my darling husband, a.k.a. Sir Saves A Lot, looked and looked online for the right computer. I wanted a pink one, I have
never had a pink laptop before, mainly in case he had to use it (He doesn't want to be seen using a pink laptop, heck he doesn't want to use a pink laptop even if he's not seen. He's a man's man you know!), but now he has two computers to his name so I can get whatever color tickles my fancy. I found my beautiful pink laptop and was so excited, but he found pretty much the same laptop on Amazon for a lot cheaper. Bless his heart, at least he looked for a color and came up with
Cherry Red (the only color it came in). As you can see, it really is pretty. And here's the best part, it will be here TOMORROW!!! My darling manly man paid extra for two day shipping because he's just cool like that and because he loves me so (awwwww!!!). I am about as impatient as you can get...
tient (and then some). I would have had to wait about three weeks for the pink one, so that sold me. I just checked and found the computer was in Oklahoma City (what did I do without online tracking I ask you?)!!! So, hopefully I will be back to my blogging ways soon. Yes, I have had access to computers the entire time my laptop has been down, but there is nothing quite like blogging from your very own computer. And
hoo-boy, I can't wait to blog from my brand spankin' new
Cherry Red laptop! It will make a difference, I just know it will!
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