(This pic. cracks me up! I had to use it.)
Oh my, I have so many titles for this blog in my head. There was Kat vs. the Mall, Kat Conquers the Mall, Too Young to Be A Mall Walker, Too Old to Care, Old People Have The Right Idea (okay, not a great one), etc.
So as you know, I like to walk. I started my walking career (haha) during the spring when the mornings were still nice and cool. Now however, the mornings (even starting at 7:30 am) are HOT and HUMID! We have been walking at Riverside, and although I love walking there, it is just too much right now. So my mom suggested the mall and I said sure. What a great idea!!! It's cool (air conditioning people! Woohoo!), you can window shop, and they even play music (although I usually just have my headphones in, but still). There are bathrooms and water fountains and lots of friendly people. Mall walkers are friendly. They are determined, but friendly. I have only been twice so far, but saw some of the same faces both times.
Yes, they are an older group of people (I told my mom I was the youngest there. She quickly told me she saw a little girl in a stroller, so I wasn't. Har har Mom...har har!), but I really don't care. True, I am not your typical age for a "mall walker", but that doesn't bother me in the slightest! When do I ever go with the status quo anyway?
So if you want to walk but you don't like the heat, check out your local mall and see when they open. Most open early for mall walkers. I think ours opens around 7:00 am, three hours before the stores open. I think it is a wonderful alternative to sweating your skin off! Don't you?
Love and kisses,
Kat the Mall Walker
What a great idea Kat. If only I had a local mall! LOL!
ReplyDeletePS, Love Love your new layout :)
You could check places like the YMCA or anything with a gym. There is a local rec center close to my house, but they don't open until 9:00 a.m. and I am already asleep (or should be!). They let you walk their track for free.
ReplyDeleteThanks about the layout! I LOVE Shabby Blogs! What would I do without them???