
Saturday, October 30, 2010

You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!!!

Sooooo, I haven't been on here forEVER and I know there are at least a couple of you that miss my posts (you sweet family, you!) ;) Anyway, I have some BIG news (obviously from the picture)...I am pregnant! This is my first child and I am super excited/scared/nervous/happy/etc. The reason for the title of this blog? We just decided one month to start trying. I told my not-so-sure husband, "It's not like I'm going to get pregnant the first time!"
Oops! Hehe, guess I was wrong!

My husband was well, shocked. He's getting better, but the first couple of days he walked around in a fog. I told him by making him a cute lil' Save The Date card and he just couldn't believe it...even after I showed him the test. Haha, poor guy! After we told his family, he seemed to accept it a little more. He has known for a few weeks now and has completely warmed up to the idea. Baby R. is all we seem to talk about anymore.

Anyway, I guess my whole Weight Watchers journey is on hold. I still need to eat healthy of course, so I can still talk about that, but I can no longer attend meetings. I was reading an online friend of mines blog and I saw something she was doing that I kinda like. She just quickly mentions some things she likes that week that is low in WW points. I love that idea and want to adopt it for myself. So that is what I will do. My blog will be a bit different than it was before, but I am now a pregnant woman, and we are supposed to be unpredictable right? Haha! Oh wait, I already was!

Okay, so two months and counting! Seven months to go!
Love ya all!
Kat the Pregnant Woman :)

Things I'm diggin' this week:
Jell-O Vanilla Pudding Cups - I don't do sugar free and why would I? The regular version is only 2 point and oh so creamy and delish! I have always been a chocolate pudding gal, but for some reason vanilla has hit the spot lately.
Cheddar Chex 1oo Calorie Packs - mmmm, mmmm, mmmmmmm!!! These little packs of Chex mix hit the spot every time! And the best part is it's just Chex, the best part of the mix to me! Yum! 2 points is worth it to me! :)


  1. Yippy Skippy she's back!!! And more of a woman! =) I can't WAIT for Baby R to show (her) face!!!

  2. Hey! Congratulations! It's so awesome that you're pregos! :)

    I LOVE your new background.

    And I LOVE that you're doing your favorite things! I'm totally going to need to review yours when I get sick of eating the same old stuff. Which is like, today. LOL

  3. Oh,thank you,thank you! I just happen to check by to see if you had been here. Love you ALL!!
    Aunt Mary
